• Modern Physical Access

    Hassle-free, intuitive and securemobile access for your employees, contractors, and visitors.

  • Save Cost & Time

    Easy and quick self-installationwithout the need for re-wiring or replacing existing hardware.

  • Easy Adminstration

    Intuitive remote management and automation made possible by cloud-based administration.

Oloid M-Tag in Action

  • Intuitive Experience

    Level up your employee experience with contactless mobile access.

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  • Easy Installation

    Retrofit existing badge readers and controllers with inexpensive self-installation.

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  • Seamless Integration

    Deploy on cloud or on-prem, and support a wide range of workflow automations.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I upgrade to mobile access?

The future of work requires dynamic and touchless access to employees, contractors and visitors. Badges present a security risk from lost or stolen badges and can be easily copied. With mobile access you can onboard or off-board users remotely. Mobile access is the future.

How does OLOID M-Tag work?

OLOID M-Tag offers an easy-to-install and retrofit solution to your existing access card reader system. The M-Tag has a bluetooth module that accepts encrypted credentials from the user’s phone, and then emulates a badge using RFID. All you need is OLOID M-Tag, and your smartphone with our app installed in it.

  • Attach OLOID M-Tag on top of the existing badge reader
  • Create an account and enable the device on OLOID’s admin interface
  • Register existing badge IDs that require mobile access
  • Use the mobile app to unlock the door

The device can be self-installed and activated in 5 minutes. The entire process for setting up your team with mobile access takes less than 30 minutes.

Does installation of OLOID M-Tag require any special knowledge?

No special knowledge is needed to set up the M-Tag. However, in case you face any issues while setting up the M-Tag, we have a dedicated and very prompt support team to assist you.

Is OLOID M-Tag compatible with my badge reader?

OLOID M-Tag is compatible with most commonly used badge readers and badge formats. OLOID is constantly expanding its list of compatible devices. If you are unsure about compatibility, please write to us the make and model of your reader and the bit format at info@oloid.ai. We will review it and get back to you promptly.

What warranty does OLOID offer on the M-Tag?

The warranty covers the M-Tag device and the underlying reader for a free replacement for any hardware issues that are not related to handling, storage, shipment, accident, impact, abuse or misuse, damage or wear/tear. The warranty will be applicable as long as the customer has a valid SaaS contract in good standing (That is, there has been no breach in payment).

What if my phone dies or mobile access does not work?Would my badge still work?

OLOID’s retrofit mobile access solution is completely backward compatible. By default, the badges will continue to work along with mobile access. You can choose to disable badge access for higher security. Plus, we have a dedicated and very prompt support team to assist you if you ever face technical issues.

Do employees need to download an app?

Yes. Employees have easy access to OLOID’S Employee facing app on Apple’s App Store and Google’s Play Store. When employees are provisioned into OLOID’s system, an automated email is sent to the employee with easy to follow instructions to download the app and register.

Is there a place where I can monitor the M-Tags installed andtrack employee usage details?

M-Tags are administered using OLOID’S web-based Admin Portal. You will be able to monitor the health of the M-Tags, view where they are installed on a map, track mobile access usage by employees and perform a host of other functionalities.

Are your devices tamper-proof?

Yes, OLOID M-Tag has multiple security features embedded in the device that provides tamper detection capabilities.

Our facility/ workspace caters to a very large number of employees. Can OLOID’s M-Tag solution handle our needs?

OLOID’S M-Tag solution is scalable and robust. We have customers with employee count that ranges from a handful to a few thousands. Please also check outOLOID Smart Readerthat is our enterprise-grade app. It has a quick and easy self-installation process that takes just a few minutes to log in and set up.

How is OLOID M-Tag powered?

OLOID M-Tags are Battery operated and have a life of around 2 years depending upon the usage. Each M-Tag comes with a replaceable battery pack.

Does OLOID transform my access control system into a mobile access control system?

A mobile access control system uses mobile phones and other smart wearables to act as a user’s credentials to gain access. It doesn’t use any other access means. The OLOID M-Tag, on the other hand, enables mobile access on your existing physical access control systems. While it allows you to use your mobile or other smart wearables to gain access, its backward compatibility allows a user to use badges or fobs as well to enter an office or a building’s facilities. So while it allows your PACS to behave like a mobile access control system, it doesn’t transform it into one.